Enter to Learn, Leave to Lead and Serve
About Us
Experience A Good Education
We are enriched with experienced top notch faculties graduated from revered universities across globe to ensure that diversity in knowledge and skills is maintained and imparted to students. This excellent level of training keeps us at top and most recommended among pharmacy colleges in India.
Average CGPA

- Principal
- Faculty
- Anti-Ragging Cell
- College Committees
- Seminars & Workshops
- Activity
- Gallery
Welcome to Vydehi Institute of Pharmacy (VIP) established under the aegis of Srinivasa Trust possessing more than two decades of experience in health education. Our VIP is a budding pharmacy institute striving to be one amongst top most colleges in India. Our campus is beautifully architectured, spacious, highly equipped with sophisticated, ultra-modern and state of art technological facilities. We are strengthened with most experienced and well versed faculty members who always aimed at producing highly competent graduates.

Dr. S.J. Shankar
Experience in Years : 26
Dept: Pharmaceutic

Dr. Kalyani Peluri
Experience in Years : 14.6
Dept: Pharmaceutical Analysis

Mrs. Dhanya T
Experience in Years : 10
Dept: Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Mrs. Akshatha R S
Experience in Years : 10
Dept: Pharmaceutics

Mr. Shivanand K
Experience in Years : 08
Dept: Pharmaceutics

Mrs. Vidya Bharathi
Experience in Years : 3.6
Dept: Pharmaceutics

Mrs. Misha Shrivastava
Experience : 02 Years
Dept: Pharmaceutics

Mrs. Shamala S
Experience in Years : 3
Dept: Pharmacology

Dr. Shivesh Singh
Experience : 02 Years
Dept: Pharmacology

Mrs. Varsha Jain BA
Experience : 07 Years
Dept: Pharmacology

Mrs. Saundarya SK
Experience : 1.4 Years
Dept: Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Mrs. P Glory Margaret
Experience : 02 Years
Dept: Pharmaceutics
Vydehi institute of pharmacy relies on imparting knowledge to its students and stands apart to be the best in its territory. We strongly oppose any act of ragging in its college campus or hostels. As per the Indian government rules any kind of ragging activities ranging from the demands of any act or songs, harassing a junior student, confinement and other restraints are strictly prohibited within our campus and is not acceptable. It also includes any disorderly conduct whether the words spoken or written or teasing, rudeness and any other cause which may lead to a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique of a junior student is not tolerable.
Punishable Ingredients of Ragging
> Abetment to Ragging.
> Criminal Conspiracy to rag.
> Unlawful assembly and rioting while ragging.
> Public nuisance created during ragging.
> Violation of decency and morals through ragging.
> Injury to body, causing hurt or grievous hurt.
> Wrongful restraint.
> Wrongful confinement.
> Use of criminal force.
> Assault as well as sexual offenses or even unnatural offenses.
> Extortion.
> Criminal trespass.
> Offenses against property.
> Criminal intimidation.
> Attempts to commit, any or all of the above mentioned offenses against the victim(s).
> Physical or Psychological humiliation.
> All other offenses following from the definition of "ragging".
VIP’s Anti Ragging Squad
An anti ragging squad is constituted to provide its service inside and outside the college premise as and when required. This squad consists of some of the selected senior students as well as faculties who take care of the freshers inside and outside the college campus. This squad is quite confidential and works secretly.
Main Objective’s of the Squad:
> Providing moral boost to the students and make them aware of any inhuman practices.
> Keeping an Eagle eye’s watch to prevent the occurrence of any ragging oriented activities inside or outside the college campus.
> Stringent actions are taken within fraction of seconds to ensure full justice to the victims in case of any such activity.
> We as a team assures a systematic, structured and disciplined environment in the premise.
> Our squad members reach out to freshers personally and secretly and talk to them by making them comfortable. Its the duty of the squad members to distribute their numbers to the freshers secretly so that in case of any abrupt situation they can be contacted as and when required and the student can be helped.
> Any student can reach out to our anti ragging squad members and its the responsibility of the squad members to reach out to the head committee in serious issues.
> Anti ragging committee is responsible for all kind of punishments and further actions to be taken on the culprits.
Career Guidance Cell (CGC)
Dr. Lakshmayya
Mr. B. R. Srinivas Murthy
Mrs. Anasuya Mani MP
Training & Placement Cell (TAP)
Dr. Lakshmayya
Mr. Srinivas Murthy
Mrs. E. Vidya
Grievance and Redressal Cell
Dr. Lakshmayya
Mrs. Anasuya Mani MP
Mrs. S. Shamala, Mrs. Riya K
Institutional-Hospital Committee
Dr. Sofiya Babu
Dr. Asha Abraham, Dr. Soumya Sangawar
Seminar & Workshop Committee
Mr. B. R. Srinivas Murthy
Mrs. Anasuya Mani MP
College Academic Committee
Dr. Lakshmayya
Mrs. E. Vidya
Mrs. Vidya Bharathi
Examination cell
Dr. Lakshmayya
Mr. B. R. Srinivas Murthy, Mrs. E. Vidya
Mrs. Anasuya Mani MP, Mr. Shiva Shankar
Women Empowerment cell
Mrs. Dhanya T
Mrs. Saraswathi TR, MRs. Deepika Koti
Alumni Association committee
Dr. Lakshmayya
Mrs. Vidya Bharathi
Ms. Jayashree KR, Dr. Asha Abraham
Library committee
Mr. Narasimha Moorthy
Animal Ethical Committee
Mrs. Anasuya Mani MP
Mrs. S. Shamala
Dance and Music/ Extracurricular activities committee
Mrs. Saraswathi TR
Ms. Soumya
Sports and Games club (SAG)
Ms. Jayashree KR
Dr. Soumya Sangawar
Mr. Narasimha Moorthy

Women’s Day
Pharma Anveshan

Report on Visit to University of Agricultural Sciences , GKVK
The visit to the Department at UAS GKVK, Bengaluru, was a highly enriching experience for the III Year B.Pharm students .The hands on exposure to horticultural practices, coupled, with insights into extraction techniques and aseptic knowledge, has equipped them with valuable skills and understanding. The visit not only broadened their academic horizons but also inspired them to explore interdisciplinary opportunities in cultivation of medicinal plants and extraction. We extend our sincere appreciation to the department staff for their hospitality and expertise, making this educational journey a memorable and impactful one.
AVISCON was more than an event; it was a journey that shaped the young minds of future pharmacists, leaving them inspired and ready to make a meaningful impact. It was an exhilarating, student-driven and student-centric conference that sparked a flame of passion among participants. It served as a vibrant arena, fostering the exchange of knowledge, skills and inspiration.

Blood donation camp for the year 2024 held on 21/02/2024 at Vydehi Institute of Medical science and research centre at 10.00am to 1.00pm in the blood bank. Under the leadership of Dr.Gaurav,co-ordinator by Mr.Vinod.
52nd Annual Conference of the Indian Pharmacological Society, or IPSCON-2023, from February 23 through February 25, 2023, was conducted at JSS College of Pharmacy Mysore. Future Issues of Pharmacology for Health & Wellness was the conference’s topic. The three-day meeting was enhanced by numerous scholarly sessions, including oral and poster talks, which in-depth addressed crucial contemporary problems. ADR-Challenges and Potential Solutions, Conducting World Class Clinical Studies in India, Emerging Trends in Drug Discovery and Application of AI and Machine Learning were a few of the subjects covered.

Overview of Pharmaceutical Industry and Quality Assurance- by Shri. Sagar MS
Vydehi Institute of Pharmacy organized a Guest Lecture on “Overview of Pharmaceutical Industry and Quality Assurance” on 18th March 2022 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at VIMS & RC Seminar Hall. The guest lecture was delivered by eminent speaker: Mr. Sagar M S, QA Controlled Docs Coordinator- Regulatory Labcorp Drug Development, Bengaluru. The session was attended by 147 students and 14 faculty members of Vydehi Institute of Pharmacy.
World Pharmacist Day Celebrations
Vydehi Institute of Pharmacy celebrated “World Pharmacist Day”, on 25th September 2021. The day is celebrated to promote and advocate the role of the pharmacist in improving health in every corner of the world. This year the theme was “Pharmacy: always trusted for your health “. Principal, Vydehi Institute of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. Lakshmayya, congratulated all students and staff for celebrating this day with active participation.

Blood Donation
A great initiative of organizing a blood donation was taken up by Vydehi Institute of Pharmacy on 30th September 2021, Thursday on National Blood Donation Day! The blood donation program was held from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm. The program was held in the Blood Bank Department- Vydehi Hospital.
Co-Curricular Activities
Vydehi Institute of Pharmacy believes in overall growth of its students both professionally and personally. We give them ample chance to participate in various cultural and technical programs to be held in the college campus and allow them to discover various aspects of life. We offer a wide range of opportunities to build our students interactive, organizational, cultural and technical strengths by organizing events, shows, seminars and many more. Our institute takes full responsibility to make everyone aware of various medical oriented days such as AIDS Day, Organ Donation Day, World Diabetes Day, World Health Day and many more through cultural fests and other activities through which our students gets chance to explore their own aspects which showcases their talent in showcasing the world about these medical emergencies and how to prevent them. Being a pharmacy college in VIP one can get many chances and stages to showcase their medical projects, several research oriented works and technical developments in the field of medical science. In view to provide knowledge about the medical fraternity various guests lectures are being organized in our college where several highly qualified doctors and medical practitioners comes to share their journey from being a student to a successful doctor or a pharmacist. Along with that many workshops are also organized inside the college premise which gives the students as well as faculties to show their talent as well as to learn new experiences for their overall sound development. We thrive to impart our students with the critical thinking skills, intellectual competence and timely management to make them academically sound and perfect.
Extra Curricular Activities
Vydehi Institute of Pharmacy focuses on its students to develop them both physically as well as professionally. Its our prime concern to help our students develop the skills and attributes which are important for them to lead their life. Many cultural fests like inter-college fests, sports competition, dance festivals and many other are organized in a timely manner to provide some relaxation time to students and faculties where one can participate and enjoy as per their personal interests. Extra curricular activities gives us a chance to explore our talent outside our syllabus and curriculum. It helps us grow manifold on different platforms and stages. As a part of extra curricular activities some environment friendly programs are also being organized inside the college campus to give a boost to clean and green environment. These programs are attended by highly qualified doctors and medical practitioners to boost the students morale. These provide the students as well faculties to get their interpersonal skills developed. Many events which may include public meetings and speeches and interacting with real life experiences not only makes us a perfect doctor but also emphatic and efficient communicator. These things teaches us which a text book can't and is equally important for overall growth and development.