Faculty Publications

Dr. S.J. Shankar
Experience in Years : 26

Dr. Kalyani Peluri
Experience in Years : 14
Total No.Of Publications : 05

Mrs. Dhanya T
Experience in Years : 10
Total No.Of Publications : 02

Mrs. Akshatha R S
Experience in Years : 10
Total No.Of Publications : 03

Mr. Shivanand K
Experience in Years : 08
Total No.Of Publications : 03

Mrs. Vidya Bharathi
Experience in Years : 3.6
Total No.Of Publications : 01

Mrs. P Glory Margaret
Experience : 02

Mrs. Shamala S
Experience in Years : 3
Total No.Of Publications : NIL

Dr. Shivesh Singh
Experience : 02

Mrs. Misha Shrivastava
Experience : 02

Mrs. Varsha Jain BA
Experience : 07

Mrs. Saundarya SK
Experience : 1.4
- Scientific session
Guest Lecturer
Vydehi Institute of Pharmacy organized a Guest Lecture on “Overview of Pharmaceutical Industry and Quality Assurance” on 18th March 2022 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at VIMS & RC Seminar Hall. The guest lecture gathered eminent speaker: Mr. Sagar M S, QA Controlled Docs Coordinator- Regulatory. The lecture was attended by 147 students and 14 Faculty members of Vydehi Institute of Pharmacy.

World Pharmacist Day Celebrations
Vydehi Institute of Pharmacy celebrated “World Pharmacist Day”, on 25th September 2021. The day is celebrated to promote and advocate the role of the pharmacist in improving health in every corner of the world. This year the theme was “Pharmacy: always trusted for your health “. Principal, Vydehi Institute of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. Lakshmayya, congratulated all students and staff for celebrating this day with active participation.