Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Analysis
The department of pharmaceutical chemistry inculcates professional and ethical practices in design and discovery of new chemical entities. It also imparts both traditional and novel methods to organize teaching and learning activities. Tutorial sessions augment the main elements and important concerns of principles of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Students are well trained and well versed with basic chemistry principles in a more creative way. Students learn how to design and synthesize multiple novel chemical entities utilizing diverse methodologies at the advanced level. Teachers explain the basic principles of chemical synthesis of many novel compounds both theoretically and practically with hands on experience.
Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis provides highest quality of class room teaching through traditional and innovative practices such as black-board and ICT/e-presentations to the Pharmacy graduates. Department also fosters academic and industrial oriented skills for the students. Inculcates innovative, analytical and problem solving abilities to the students with advanced modes of teaching. Students are also enlightened and educated on crucial parts of numerous Pharmaceutical Analysis disciplines in tutorial sessions. Apart from their regular curriculum, junior students receive strong theoretical foundations in both theory and practical’s, while senior students receive advanced level instructions practically. Senior students are encouraged to handle equipments and trained in hands-on experience with advanced instruments such as the Shimadzu UV-Visible spectrophotometer (1900i) and the FT-IR spectrophotometer and other sophisticated instruments. Department also emphasizes on design and development of novel analytical techniques for standardization of drugs.
Work Force

Dr. Kalyani Peluri
Qualification: M. Pharm, Ph.D
Designation: Professor
Experience: 14.6 Years

Mrs. T. Dhanya
Qualification: M. Pharm
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 10 Years

Mrs. Saundarya SK
Qualification: M. Pharm
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 1.4 Years