Our Courses Offered
- B. Pharmacy (Bachelor of Pharmacy)
Recognized by the Pharmacy Council of India
Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru- Karnataka.
60 Seats per year
Selection of Candidates
The Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) of the Government of Karnataka shall conduct the centralized counselling for the UG course (Pharmacy), and seats are allotted by merit selection which is based on the Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET).
Seats sharing and reservation as per Consensual Agreement between Government of Karnataka and Private Pharmacy College Management Association in Karnataka in the matter of regulating admissions and fee structure to the under graduate (Pharmacy) course in private professional colleges of Pharmacy.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Criteria regarding age and Qualifying Marks as per Pharmacy Council of India.
Duration of the Course
Every student shall undergo a period of certified study extending over 4 academic years divided into 8 Semesters from the date of commencement of his study for the subjects comprising the pharmacy curriculum to the date of completion of the examination.
We Will Reach You in 24 hrs
NOTE: We admit students only on the basis of merit.
We do not admit students through Agents, Middlemen or Third Parties.

Landline: 080-49069008

Mobile Number: 9986112211